Welp. The feline has exited the containment device. I mean, we set it free, but anyway.
I have mixed feelings, and I’m not ready to talk about it yet. But I will say that I am eternally grateful to my TDP colleagues. I would say I’ll miss them horribly, but I won’t, because I won’t be letting them escape my friendship.
There is no escaping me. Bwahahaha…
I mentioned in my last blog that I’ve been watching decluttering videos. Carla is very gentle in helping friends declutter, and one thing she will often remind them of is that you have to let go of the old to make room for the new. At one point she told a story of having cleaned out her refrigerator, and someone knocked on her door and asked to rent her parking space for a few days. She got like thousands of dollars! I’m not sure I buy that cleaning up will bring me that kind of luck, but it sure feels good to get stuff out.
Self-help books, by the way, will explain that I don’t have that kind of luck because I don’t believe in it. Yeah, you’re supposed to believe it will happen, to make it happen. Guess I don’t believe hard enough.
Anyway! I’m working on the cleaning out. Did you know if I don’t have a ton of food stockpiled, I can just go ahead and get what I want from the grocery store? It’s hard to do that when I have a ton of food at home, because I feel like I should eat the food at home. But then the food I have at home is not what I want right now, and around we go.
Did you know that you might be able to buy a mini circuit breaker to replace that fuse you are always blowing?

The Nemesis

The Solution At Last?
I’ll let you know if it works.
I got plants! Check out this before and after. I mean, it hasn’t even been two weeks, but anyway. This is a Zz plant, that I’d never seen before I went wandering about Etsy when I meant to be writing. (This store did a GREAT job packing and shipping these healthy, happy pretties.)

That’s the only one you can really see a difference on so far. But check out these other babies!

Look, tiny plants are cheap seratonin, okay? And they’re more fun than getting a big, probably unhealthy, one from the grocery store. (and you can fit more into your house before housemates realize what you’re up to.)
Then there’s this guy.

I am not responsible for the brown bits on the leaves. This one is a rescue after his mother had a human infant and forgot he existed.
Really excited to have a monstera of my very own.
For now, though, it is far past my bedtime. Good night, friends.