Under the Wire

Made it! 10,005 words at 22:15 on the last day of the challenge!


And I made a discovery that shouldn’t have been so hard to figure out. I write much faster in Joss’ POV. It makes sense. I know him better. He’s been jumping around my brain for over a year. Paige has been there, but quieter, and Zeke really isn’t much like I originally imagined him. He’s evolved, and it’s a good thing, but there’s still a noted lack of familiarity there.

Saturday towards the end of my spree, I switched to his POV. Sunday I couldn’t figure out why it took me all day to get anywhere, and what I did come up with had to be handwritten, then put in the computer. But I struggled on, and wrote 2,475 (working at it ALL DAY, as opposed to the way it went Saturday.)

Today I needed over four thousand words. I knew I’d never get it done if I were hand-writing it first. But still, I couldn’t seem to skip that step.

Then after flailing my way through four hundred words, I ran into a natural spot to switch back to Joss.

And away I went.

I love Joss.

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