I don’t know what’s going on lately. I’ve had this blog for years, and updated fairly regularly through all that time. Now…it just doesn’t occur to me.
Anyway. Gotta knock that crap off. I will NOT be letting this go down the drain.
So. What am I up to lately? Editing. It just won’t get done. (okay, distractions like the new laptop don’t exactly help with that…) (oh, did I not mention the new laptop? 🙂 I got my tax refund, and paid bills with 4/5 of it because I’m not an idiot. But the last fifth bought me a pretty pretty Dell Inspiron 1525 with 2G of RAM [desktop has 1014m] and 120G hard drive and a black cover and it was refurbished AND had a 15% coupon applied ’cause I found one, and…color me happy.)
Okay, posting to put something up. Now on with my busy life. I shall return! (eventually)