Freedom!! Sorta…

Today was that so-glorious, seemingly ever-receding but eventually arriving Last Day of Work (cue the heavenly choir!) Yes, gentle reader, I am done, done, DONE with work for the summer. I actually have two whole months off!*

Except. I didn’t get all my work done, as I feared I would not. So unless I want another write up like last year (I’d rather not) I’ll have to go back and get some stuff done.

The difference is, this time I can do it whenever I want. Such as tomorrow morning.

I’m so dedicated, no? Actually, my reasoning is that Monday morning summer school starts. If I’m in the front office, people will want me to answer phones and questions, make copies and find people. And I don’t get to say “not my job,” no matter how firmly it is NOT. Can’t even tell the people I’m a volunteer–most of the parents know me, and wouldn’t buy it though it’s true. (Volunteer = working for free, blast it.)

So I’m going in tomorrow. And I made sure of it, because I made arrangements to meet another “volunteer” and let him in the building. (I have an alarm key, he doesn’t.) That way I can’t decide I don’t want to bother, and end up never getting there, like last summer.

But tonight, I’m reveling in the freedom.

::dances wildly about the room!!::

* “two whole months means I’m not scheduled back until July 30th. But pretty much always, they call be back before I’m scheduled. Which is sad for my vacation, but very good for my bank account.

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