Gimme a Rock

Ever see the STNG episode where the computer is screwed, and everything is going wrong with the Enterprise?  There’s a Romulan ship in the area, and Reiker says something like, (not claiming to be exact, I am not-quite-rabid-Trekkie) “Should it come to a fight, will someone get me some rocks to throw at them?”

Yeah.  That was my day.  My computer at work was, for half the day, a big ole paperweight.  No one could get in the database.  Yes, that’s fifty some teachers sending attendance on little pieces of paper for four periods, that I had to enter once the server (??  not sure still) came back up.

Some people could get the internet and email, but not me.

Why did I need on the internet at work?  Oh, I don’t know–because I know my way around enough I can do most of my work through the internet unlike nearly anyone else you’d care to tap at my school?


As I told my office manager–I couldn’t do attendance.  I couldn’t do registration.  I couldn’t find kids for pick up, I could answer the phone but I couldn’t answer questions, and I couldn’t file because I had to keep explaining over and over why I wasn’t doing my other work and why I couldn’t help whoever the hell wanted something now.  I told her the only reason I was there was to get yelled at.

She said with a chuckle, “Better you than me.”

I love her, I do, but sometimes…

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