DOOMY Summer of Editing DOOM

Ahem. Yes, well…

I have not fallen into a Pit of Nothing Accomplished as has happened before at the start of vacation. I’ve been working on Fidelis. I’ve been swimming nearly every day. I’ve been going to work.

Yes, work. As in years past, I am not quite done when I am supposed to be done. We got less time than ever this year to wrap up, and I’m not done. Hoping tomorrow will do it, though.

So. Plans. I want Fidelis done, and I don’t think that should take too much.

I also want Ben edited at last into a near-final draft. It has too far to go for me to hope to get it done, but I do think I can get it close.

Then I need to cook up more plot for Eve. And I’d like to work on Donte. I want to go through Flame again, and I’d like to work on Keen a little. Oh, and Joss…

Why yes, that is nearly everything I’ve got. About all that’s left out is Rafe and Hiro. The one isn’t going anywhere till Taro sells, and the other is unfinished. Thinking I’ll do it for NaNo again, maybe. But there’s lots of plotting to do first.

Anyway. There are my disjointed, rambly plans. I’ll come back soon and put them in some sort of order.


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