Somehow I’m going to need to find a way to make myself write like I have to work in the morning, all the time. Once I’m published and I can finally give up the day job, make writing the day job, I’m going to have to find a way to keep myself writing.
Because I’ve written 1,293 words today, on a day I worked eight hours. Wowza, ne?
And it’s not, as the title of this blog implies, self-discipline. It’s knowing that if I don’t write now, I don’t get to write today. I only get so much time, when I have to work in the morning. Since it’s limited, I don’t tend to waste it.
When I’ve got all day–guess what? It takes all day. And sometimes more. Whose rule is it, that a job will expand to fill the time allotted?
Man, they weren’t kidding.
Ah well. Onward. I got two more reviews today, both very favorable. Wow, is appreciation addictive! Gotta resist, gotta get paid…