Not much to say tonight. Just don’t want to lose the habit of blogging often, since it’s taken me so long to work back to it.
Experimented with using tarot cards for plotting. Didn’t get far, since I don’t know tarot at all. And I kept getting distracted. Why is it all the captives in the symbolism are women? And why are nearly all the nudes women too? And when I go online and look at “for women” decks, the decks are full of women!
Am I alone in thinking that something made for women ought to have some nice lovely men in various states of undress? While I recognize that there are women out there with a fine appreciation for boobies other than their own–I’ve seen all of those I really care to, thanks.
It would be lovely, also, if the artist of my tarot set didn’t have a thing for odd headdresses that make the empress look like an alien (of Alien fame) in a dress.
Grumble, grumble, bitch.
Well, there’s always
an improvement! But not so pretty as my cards. Except for the ones I don’t like. Can I just pick and choose my images for an entire deck?
I imagine this is what got you thinking about tarot cards for plotting/character development… but in case not, have you seen this?
SoooOOOOOooooo interesting!
I had seen it, but actually the first time I saw them recommended it was Holly Lisle doing it. It is pretty interesting! If I ever get a good character without accompanying plot, I’ll have to give it a shot.
Okay, just discovered this a couple days ago.
ooh, looks interesting!