Hope met me at the bottom of the stairs this morning with the news she had a “tummyache” and had been up most of the night. I question “most,” but I’m willing to believe she lost sleep. After she threw up, she felt fine, but she still had a temperature so I decreed a return to bed.
Aww. Poor me. I went too.
I feel guilty, but only because I was so very happy about it. She really was documentably sick. And after the time she had this week, I thought it best not to inflict a sick-and-obnoxious Hope on my care-taking friend.
To alleviate my guilt, after we both slept a few more hours, I did go to work and get the class count done and sent, only 8 minutes late. I consider that one heck of a sacrifice, btw. That thing is a pain in the butt.
As my friend put it–whee! Instant weekend!