At least, I hope it’s one day only. For today, one day only, I barely care what they’re doing. I just can’t focus enough to comprehend it.
I…have a cold. My brain is numb, and I wish my throat were. I put my faith in my “power of positive thinking” friend, though that positive crap has never worked for me, and I thought good thoughts while cranking down the vitamin c and some other holistic stuff, I forget what.
On the good side, it’s probably been as effective as a good dose of Nyquil would be. Which means I’m not wishing I were dead–but I’m not exactly alive, either.
So hey. I went to work for three hours. If you’re going to be miserable, you might as well get paid, is the way I see it. Of course I’m not getting paid, but I had planned to go in and catch up a bit, and I’m sure not going to waste my misery staying home…
What? That does make sense. Doesn’t it?
Guess I do care, a little. What’s the news on the defense bill? Did people of conscience get ANWR off the chopping block? Maybe I’ll take my groggy butt in front of the TV. I at least ought to be able to comprend that.