ANWR Off the Altar!!

Sometimes democracy works!  Holy cow, at the urging of a whole lot of people, politicians actually  put wilderness before money!  Kinda disappointed it wasn’t either of MY senators, but at least someone stood up for what was right, despite the political maneuvering and other BS.

So, for now, ANWR is safe.  I’m sure the fight will be on again, soon.  Which rather puzzles me.  I know I’m not the only one in the country that can do math.  According to any and all estimates, there just isn’t that much oil under there.  Add to that the time it would take to get to it, (ten years is the estimate, from both sides of the issue) and I just don’t see why some people are so determined to get at it.

In 2002 Senator McCain wrote a press statement explaining why he voted against opening ANWR to drilling then.  (Why he didn’t stand with others to fight this time, I’d really love to know!)  Anyway, he said that even people in the oil business weren’t sure it was worth it.

Hee hee, wouldn’t it be hysterical if Bush fought so hard to open it up, and then no company wanted to gamble the money to try for it?

But I guess we know some oil company bigwig has his sights set on ANWR.  Otherwise Bush wouldn’t be so determined to open it up for his buddy.

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