When I was a kid, we asked our parents. One of my earliest memories is showing my mom the little cuts on the bottoms of my toes, and her telling me it was from running barefoot on the grass. I should wear my shoes.
Yeah, thanks, mom. 😀 What it actually was (have you guessed, fellow sufferers?) was athlete’s foot, that I got from stomping about in my dad’s steel-toed work boots, the only shoes I would wear willingly.
Anyway. That was it. When you had a problem, you asked your parents, or your friends if you were sure you could trust them. Otherwise you suffered in silence.
Nowadays, of course, you spoiled kids got this internet-thingy. A few clicks and you can check the weather in Tokyo, the depth of the Marianas Trench, find out about the Bloop and the Taos Hum and pretty much anything else you care to know.
So can someone tell me why my kid, while staring at her computer, is always asking me what time it is, or what day?