Day…Wait, What Day Are We On?

My impressive math skills tell me day sixteen. Very good.

Except not, because I should be into MS three by now…

You know I’m not going to get them all done. I know I’m not going to get them all done. Why do I carry on? Because it’s a deadline. More–it’s an insane deadline.

Meh. Anyway. Six or seven pages done today, I don’t even know. There was this scene that I had to go over like, three times. With lots of goofing off in between, trying to figure out whether or not to cut something that was a major part of the plot the first time around.

I cut it. I think it’s better off gone. But if I had a nickel for each thing I’ve cut out of this book and then later decided to put back–well, I could take us out for ice cream.


Oh…stuff learned? I poked at macros, but got confused. I…hmm. I…hell.

Tomorrow I’ll do better.

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