Do What You Love

I believe the saying is, do what you love and you’ll never work a day?

I’m up.  A little over six hours after I went to bed, (I know I said 0030 last night, but it was more like 0148 before I actually lay down) and I’m back, ready and raring to go.

*yawn*  Okay, maybe not as ready as I’d like.  But I was driven from my bed by idea after idea, and resistance is futile in such cases.  I might manage to stay in bed all day–but I won’t be getting back to sleep, so what’s the point?

My desk is sure pretty.  That’s what I was doing when I originally meant to go to bed last night–clearing off my desk.  (yes, I know I just did that recently.  You wouldn’t believe how fast it piles up.)

Ooh.  Babbling.  Not good.  Maybe I should get to the writing with what’s left of my brain.

More coffee.  The answer to many things is more coffee.


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