

I did my best to get everything ready. I ran around all day and I moved furniture and answered phones and questions and I really think we’re set about as well as we can possibly be for tomorrow.

So can I not go? I dunwanna.

Work is hard. *whine*

In other news, I write Kolya a few hundred words at a time. Which, in August, is amazing. I don’t think I’ve written in August since I took the school-job. August is my “leave me alone can’t you see I’m dyyyyy-ing!” month.

I finished reading Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies, which is not what I should have been reading, but hey. Can’t exactly take the MSs to work, now can I?

Which reminds me, I have voting and such like to do.

Also, I did dishes and cooked several meals so we won’t starve when this week knocks me flat as it’s pretty much certain to do, no matter how well things go.

yay me.

3 thoughts on “Dunwanna”

  1. Cripes! Is it that time already!? *hugs!* Hang in there– but whoa, that-time-of-year wordage! You rock, woman.

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