The Wider World-Wide-Web

Well, we’ve done it–we moved from that warm, safe, stifling cocoon of AOL to the wide open web. With a cable modem, no less. So far it’s not too bad. I like news, but found it too depressing having CNN as my home page, so I made it CNN’s Science page, and I like it.

Other choices in the house include Yahoo and Cartoon Network. I really like HAVING a choice. I miss my boards, though. I’d ‘met’ some fascinating, intelligent, caring people on AOL, and I will miss them. If you’re ever there, check out the Science Fiction/Steam board. Awesome people.

I haven’t figured out for sure if newsgroups are the same as AOL message boards. I suspect they are, but I haven’t made the leap yet. Outlook Express has such complicated instructions for joining newsgroups, I’ve just stayed away.

The upside is I’m getting more writing done. I’ve also been spurred by the realization that I finished my novel December 30, 1995. Can’t believe I haven’t sent it out once yet! That MUST change!

So. Back to work. I really think this is the last time through. Really. I have three reams of paper and a laser printer, I’m more prepared to send it than I’ve ever been. Now I need to DO IT!

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