Ninja, Sensei, and Sparkle are no more. They have passed on. Shuffled off. They are deceased. They are ex-toads. Their cricket-food sings on, released in the yard after the demise of the intended devourers. Their intended home lies empty (and the old one, in which they died, resides in the dumpster) while their devoted owner seeks surcease from grief in badgering her mother for a panther gecko.
Life, as it will, moves on. As Ninja, Sensei, and Sparkle do not. Move, that is.
Alas. Let us mourn.
😥 Poor frogs/toads/whatevers. 😥
Alack, I feared for them the moment her Highness acquired them. Tender care is not her way.
Alas, poor frogs. *a moment of silence*
And now, in their honor (since you mentioned odes): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haZ2bNNxdJo (Give it a minute, Red does tend to ramble. ^.^ )