Gremlins In the Works

I blogged Tuesday, honest. But somehow, even though the thingy said it was saved and published, and I saw it there once, when I logged in today, it wasn’t there. Hmm.

Anyway, it is there now. Or it was. I’m not sure what the gremlins are up to, but I will put a saucer of milk in front of the hard drive and hope for the best.

You laugh. Go ahead. I’ll be the one laughing when your system goes PHBBBTT!!! freezes, crashes, folds up and sinks into the mud. And then when it comes back, and you try to find that whatever it was you’ve been working on for the last three hours, it gives you that innocent look and pretends it doesn’t have a clue what you’re talking about…

Just be careful, if you try my method, not to kick over the saucer. It will make you very popular with the local pet life, making it very hard to get anything done. Not to mention, the gremlins will not be amused.

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