I was bouncing about and discovered my Original Fiction page, which uses the above as section divider, was broken. Naturally I blamed the squid.
Then I spent twenty minutes re-inventing the squid so they would no longer break things (one hopes.) Clicked about a bit more, and discovered my About KD page had the same issue–right where I put the accent on “Éomer.” So I guess I’ll be wandering about fixing things after the move. Again. (Though I never did get everything finally fixed when I moved from Blog-City…)
Please tell me if you see anything borked on the site, so that I may fix it! I have over 1700 posts and/or pages; I am not likely to stumble on all the problems myself.
I went to the doctor today. My sugar is down sixty points. He told me several times that I’m doing awesomely. He’s a hottie, so his approval was doubly fun. ^__^
Tonight was Open House at the child’s school. Which also happens to be the school where I work. She was embarrassed to be seen with me, as is right and proper. Sure does hurt, though.
Oddly enough, when we hit the book fair, she was no longer ashamed to be near me. Or possibly my wallet.
Today was rainy and grey and lovely and my plans let me be out in it rather than stuck behind my desk. Also, I wore my short denim skirt and got lots of compliments WHEE!
Eshan is lurking about the back of my brain, trying to get me to start Hiro book III. As he hasn’t even given me an opening image let alone a glimpse of the conflict, that is highly unlikely. But…well, he’s very pretty. I have a hard time resisting pretty.
I think that’s all the news that’s fit to print. 😉