Where have I been? Oh, just tackled by the COLD FROM HELL, that’s all.
I’m serious. FROM HELL. At first I thought it was allergies. The kid and I went to the pool and came home sneezing. The next day she was fine. I had the sinus headache to end all sinus headaches (oh please?)
I took allergy medicine and suffered. I went home early from work and went to bed. I got up for a few hours, and went back to bed.
My neighbors, who had appropriated my carport, moved stuff into trucks and talked and kept setting off the motion-sensing light outside my bedroom window until they MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHED about two a.m. I know nothing whatsoever about this.
On Friday, despite the noise of the neighbors all night until their random disappearance, despite my illness, I staggered to work as my only office co-worker was out of town. I staggered through the day. I came home. I fell over.
Dragged myself out of bed for a Friday evening commitment. Came home, fell over.
Dragged myself out of bed for a Saturday of errands (eww.) Came home. Fell over.
Dragged myself out of bed for a Saturday evening commitment. What the hell is up with all these things I have to do?
So here I am. Conscious for…who knows how much longer. I’m feeling better, so maybe a while. On the other hand, there’s stuff piled all over my house for some reason, and I’m not sure I can cope with it, so I may just go back to bed so I don’t have to.
Stay away from those germs, man. They’re vicious.