This is really pissing me off. I’ve spent days basically incapacitated–able to go through the motions (mostly) but unable to think clearly, to write, to edit, even to read.
Now I am reading. I have twenty-three library books (don’t ask) and they must go back eventually. It kind of defeats the purpose if I haven’t read them before I return them. So I am trying. I am trying really hard. But every two or three paragraphs I realize I didn’t comprehend that last thing I read, and I have to go away for a bit and let my brain recover.
I have no time for this! The only reason I have time to read at all is the three-day weekend, and it is ticking away as I futz about, trying to let my brain recover from two or three paragraphs of perfectly comprehensible print.
I was rather hoping that taking the time to rant, forcing my brain to produce fairly easy words, might help remedy the situation, but I am taking breaks from writing this, too.
All I can say to that is AUGH.
Also, my salutations to people who live with this sort of thing all the time and still manage to accomplish. My hat is off to you. I am a wimp in your presence.