There’s more fail in my fandom today. SF, my genre, my dear and marvelous explore-the-world-and-make-it-a-bigger-and-better-place-to-be chosen form of entertainment…sigh.
I could say a lot of things, but others have said it better. Shweta_narayan on what assimilation feels like from the inside. Another response here, on this being just another example of SF reflecting the times.
For the record, I’m not tired of being nice to Muslim people. I’m not tired of being nice to pretty much anyone who comes my way other than the idiots, but who isn’t sick of the idiots?
I don’t like being lumped in with people like Glenn Beck and that “God hates Fags” moron. So I’m not going to go sticking peaceful, wonderful people in the same group as that murdering bastard bin Laden because he claims the same god they do. And I’m not going to decide those wonderful people belong in the crazy-pen because I haven’t heard them say bin Laden is a murderer and doesn’t represent them.
Sadly, it’s not just SF acting this way. I see so much of it, wandering around the internet. You’d think some of these people would know better. Any Christian who has rolled his/her eyes at the “Christians” proclaiming hate in every speech–where are you? There exist “Christians” wanting to burn Korans and picketing the funerals of service-members. Why aren’t you disowning them with every breath?
What’s that? You shouldn’t have to? Jesus said “Love God” and “Love your neighbor” and you actually know that so everyone should just assume that you are not a hate-filled monster warping the Bible to fuel your holy war until/unless you prove differently?
😕 I learned a long time ago all my views do is start flame wars with the fanatics. I did have words with the idiots picketing a funeral, mainly because they caused a lot of problems for me while I was visiting my mom’s grave. But really…screaming at a pregnant woman that her husband was going to hell because he fought on “Obama’s War”? Since when did this become “Obama’s War”? *headdesk* Stupidity, religious persecution, and bigotry always pisses me off.
Oh yes. Arguing with an idiot is an exercise in futility. But when the sane stay silent, the crazies rampage unopposed.
There’s a lady I follow on Twitter. She’s an athiest, and she takes a lot of joy in calling out fundamental idiots of any religion, though mostly it’s “Christians” she tangles with. I cheer her on (better a sane atheist than a crazy “Christian” any day!) but man–she’s in wars all the time. And it’s the same battle, over and over. Idiots who don’t even know their Bible, who don’t understand the basics of science, who preach and try to ‘save’ her…and it’s not like she’s changing their minds. Even if they give up and block her, they’re still there, spewing hate and idiocy to any who will listen.
Despite all that, I do think there’s great value in calling them out.
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Damn, that’s disappointing.
I almost bought a book by Moon last week (ended up going with something else, for no reason that’s pertinent here). Her post probably won’t stop me from buying/reading her fiction, but it will make me think twice before doing so.