Or at least of a thundering herd of turtles.
Turtleduck Press marches on. Real Life has taken some casualties, as it does, but TDP goes on. The teaser site goes up ASAP, and the real site is to be up November 1st. My Knight Errant, CA’s Life as a Moving Target and Kit’s Hidden Worlds will be released December 1st.
As you may imagine, there is Much To Do.
Got the final manuscript polish done and input; I’m just waiting for my marvelous First Minion to look for dumb things I messed up in the fixing process.
Got the cover pretty done. Need to tweak it a bit more. Made an xhtml page for the teaser site. Made a NaNo banner that I think looks pretty good. Now I need…oh, the NaNo banner is for the teaser. I need another for when the site goes live. That’s what I should be working on.
Wait. What? I think I missed something while I was off with the boy. Has this self-publishing adventure morphed?
When I announced I was doing it, a few other Sporkers decided they liked the sound of it. So we formed an Alliance.
*almost has a heart attack* The teaser site goes up Nov. 1. The real site goes up Dec. 1 along with the book launches. Right?
Eep! And the First Minion was offline for the past 48 hours. Oops! I’m almost through the first bit you sent me, and then I’ll wade through my e-mails to see if there’s anything else.
*hugs* SO EXCITED!
Oh dear, an Alliance. Are you going to take over the world?
@wonderer–I thought the previews would go up Nov 1st? I wouldn’t object to being wrong. That would give me…all of NaNo EEP! to get it done. But I do think the teaser site should go up sooner.
@Jennifer YES.
@Bea You should have the rest of it in your email. ALSO SO EXCITED! *dolphin squee*
Kit’s schedule says teaser site Nov 1, full site Dec 1, but nothing about what goes on the teaser site vs. the full site. Better take this discussion to the appropriate venue, though. 😉