What did I do today? Umm…survived work. That’s the biggie. Sorta half-assed rehearsed, which was depressing. It was supposed to be a full-dress rehearsal, but I was so freaking exhausted I had to nap, which made me late, and I didn’t dress up at all and didn’t get hooked up with a tour.
I did spend some time wandering the costume room and deciding what to add to my own stuff, so my costume will be awesome. Did I mention I bought glow-in-the-dark nail polish? ^__^
I tweaked the NaNo teaser banner a bit, and came up with a straight ad-type one for after the site goes live. I read over the site plan Kami put together, and think I see how to make it happen.
I didn’t kill anyone. All day long. No matter how I wished to. I should get a damned prize.
*gives a bouquet of cabana boys as a prize*
We need pics of you in costume when you have time!