The voice of Kuchiki Byakuya in Japanese is here, in this very hotel. Tonight he was in my elevator. I may or may not have swooned like the squeeing fangirl I am, as that voice spoke to his friend and I tried not to disturb him with dolphin-speak or tackleglomps or any other of the many things it crossed my mind to do to him. >_>
The hotel is right on the bay. Right across an arm of it from the airport, in fact. DL and I got adventurous and walked to the nearest grocery store and we agree it was a lot farther away than the directions said it was. However, caffeine was acquired, so all is well.
It started raining lightly as we walked back, along a jogging path right on the shore because we could. It was utterly lovely. I will go back in daytime and not-rain (I hope) and take pictures.
Bishie bingo was as amazing and fun as always. Thorne is Master of Ceremonies this year, more than before, and it’s lovely because I get to see more of him. And it’s sad, because I get to see less of him–he lost not a shred of clothing tonight. No, excuse me–they did take off his tie.
Holy carp is he hot.
I handed out two bookmarks, other than those to friends. I’m inordinately shy about it. Tomorrow, though, I will take a bunch to the dealer’s room and ask sellers to stick them in books they sell and such.
I met Amy from TSR. She’s amazing and we had a lot of fun plotting a murder mystery where the culprit is a cat and the whole thing is written in LOLspeak. Oh, and the crime occurs in an Apple store. There were other things said and plotted and considered, but it’s probably best I don’t make a full report. ^__^
Now I must go to bed, or collapse where I sit.
Oh, and I won the battle with the hotel internet. Yay me.