I hugged Sky Rat today. We met through our stories, and we’ve been talking for years, and today I hugged her and got to meet her girlfriend. There are a lot of Weiss cosplayers (compared to other years) and they are part of an awesome group of said cosplayers. I was lucky enough to get some great pics.
Hung out with Race, that’s always awesome. DL made sure I knew how to get from the room to the elevator before she had to leave me, sadly forced by economic necessity to fly home and go to work. Shouting out to you, DL–if any of those boys touches your pretty Yaoi-con acquisitions while you are working, you have special permission to break fingers. And other things, as necessary.
I met the owners of the Yaoi-Land rainbow flag flying out of a fifth floor window above the atrium. They were behind me in line for the Bishie Auction. I was very amused. I gave them bookmarks, and we compared Starfightercomic.com merchandise. I had the book, one girl had the shirt, and the other the underwear.
Yes, Starfightercomic underwear. Because HamletMachine is awesome like that.
Dudes. I was in the third row for the bishie auction. I’ve never had such a good seat for the show! I am sad Thorn (I saw his name-badge and learned I’ve been spelling it wrong all this time) was not for sale, but I never could have afforded him anyway. None of the bishies went for under $100, and my budget was under $100. (Far under. >_> )
Two of the guests of honor, the seiyuu, allowed themselves to be sold! They went for eleven thousand dollars, and it was INSANE. So. Much. Fun!! I’d totally pay $11,000 to have Byakuya speak to me, if I had it.
Reno danced. Omg, so frakkin’ hot. I wanted so much, but he went for $800, I think. At least I got to stuff money in his pants! And tell him how ZOMG INCREDIBLE he was. You don’t know–that boy can DANCE. I wish I could show you, but even my awesome new camera could not keep up. I think I got a few good shots of him standing mostly still, though.
Jared. ZOMG, Jared. I’m surprised he went so cheaply, but I think it’s cause the ppl with money had teamed up to buy the seiyuu. I think I’d have made the same choice, though Jared was brilliant and beautiful and holy carp wow.
I love Yaoi-Con. I love all these crazy, brilliant, lovely people. It’s almost two in the morning and I don’t want to go to bed–I just want to go out and play with the crazy people some more.
So glad there’s another day!