I’ve been thinking about it a while, so in my usual head-long fashion I announced on Twitter without thinking it through.
But anyway. To celebrate my figuring out my domain email (don’t snicker, now, it’s rude) I’m doing a bookmark giveaway. Use the “Contact” link in the menu up there, and send me your address. (The form asks for your phone number, but it’s not required and I don’t want it.) I’ll send you a bookmark. I might, if it takes me that long or I’m feeling especially in the spirit, send you a holiday card as well. (Christmas is the default. Any other holiday, you’re going to have to tell me!)
I’m offering to send you, free and clear, one of these lovely bookmarks. They are shiny and good quality. Great for fanning yourself or marking your place in a great book or *cough*telling people how awesome this book you mean to buy is. *cough*
I’ll send it. All you gotta do is tell me where.
I won’t add your email to my mailing list. (I don’t have one yet, but even when I do, it’ll be a specific opt-in.) I won’t use your address to send nasty pizza to your house. I won’t show up on your doorstep and beg you to buy my book. All I’ll do is send you a bookmark.
So…do you feel lucky? No, wait, that’s not the quote…I mean, do you trust me? [/Disney.]
EeeeeeeEEEEEE! I get a bookmark! I get a bookmark! *dances*
Oh, and I’ll update my blog post to link this one. Speaking of jumping in before everything’s in place. >_>
hee…I only realized I should blog about it after you did. XD
Thank you for the bookmark in advance! As for a holiday card, I don’t celebrate Christmas (try finding a Pagan Yule card, it’s hard!) but as I don’t send out cards I hardly deserve one. Good luck with NaNo!
Love, zets 😛
You’re welcome! (not in advance, because I hope you have it by now. 😉