Hello. I’m KD, and I’m a caffeine addict. (Hello, KD.)
You should know that I’m not like those other addicts. I don’t drink coffee all day. I can live months without a Diet Coke. No, my habit is under control. Two cups a day, maybe some decaf later, a Diet Coke if I need a cold drink. I don’t need more. I got this. Just don’t hand me instant if you like your kneecaps where they are.
I’m no coffee-snob, but I have my standards. Being a poor starving artist-type, I buy the cheapest I can stand. Yuban Dark Roast. Folger’s Black Silk. Kroger (store-brand) Italian Roast.
Yes. I like it dark. Get away from me with that Breakfast Blend before I feed you your elbows.
Excuse me. *goes to get second cup of coffee*
My apologies. I’m better now.
So. I like it dark. I like it strong. I like it with cream and sugar, but I want my coffee strong enough to bite through the additions, and through the spoon.
On those days when I need it better than I can afford to buy in bulk, I know where to go. Peet. Ike. Starbuck. I’m withholding the last names of my dealers suppliers sources to protect them (and my supply line.)
That said, let me tell you about my new dealer supplier source.
I have a friend. A very good friend. She is one of those awful morning people, but she overcomes that. She introduced me to Ike. I think she has something going with him, but I don’t care. Ike supplies my needs just fine and I don’t care what he does besides that. Besides, she also introduced me to my new…friend.
Meet Coffee by the Roast. Meet KD’s new little helper, NaNoWriMo High Test (it’s the second one listed.)
How good is it? From a full stop to 3,941 words yesterday, that’s how good. It has flavor. It has subtlety. It has caffeine.
This, my friends, is the good stuff. Go. Acquire. Enjoy. Tell ’em KD sent you. Unless you’re a narc, then stay away.
You’re not a cop, are you?
brb, selling a few organs and family members to have some money to acquire that.
*giggles* You make me wish I liked coffee!
@WD *directs you to the hidden market in used family members* you’ve got some you don’t need anyway.
@Bea Come to the dark side…
Holy carp, I think that would should me right into hyperspeed for ten seconds and then kill me. xD
That’s just glorious. Though I’m not going to bother asking if it comes in decaf. 😛
Yeah, don’t waste your time on THAT question.