I’m getting ready to launch the new site (heads up, kdsarge.com will go there, not here, soon, though that page has a prominent link to the blog) and trying to make things look good together. Hence the new header and background. The disappearing sidebar shrank and migrated–if you want to follow me on Twitter, you’ll probably have to…follow me on Twitter. Other things, though, have simply moved to the other site.
The Publishing Basics series will continue soon. Possibly I’ll post another bit today, if I get to it. Since it took me about four hours more than I anticipated to get the blog looking the way I wanted. *shifty look* (FYI, photobucket will, apparently, resize large pictures without mentioning it, then stretch them when called, so something that looks fantastic in your image program will look like CRAP in your browser and you can’t figure out what the hell happened! And it will apparently shave a pixel or two off your dimensions just for kicks. Damn you, photobucket.) (Also, it’s far easier to do images through WordPress than it was the last time I tried, a few updates ago.)
Aside from kicking Paint.net (not its fault), photobucket (totally), WordPress (again, innocent), and occasionally my cat (kidding! I swear, I’m kidding!), I’ve been browsing Douglas Adams collections on Amazon and poking at the other site. No NaNoing as of yet, but maybe after some lunch…
Ahh, the glamorous life. At last I’ve arrived.