It's Very Good–Really.

It’s a good thing I developed my confidence as a writer a long time ago. I’ve gotten a lot of suggestions for improving my manuscript today, all but one from people who’ve never read my work. 913 pages is not automatically bad, folks! Though I’m grateful no one has come down that hard on my announcement…

I’m trying some of the suggestions. Just because it’s done, doesn’t mean it can’t be better. Tonight I searched “very,” and removed more than I would have thought were in there in the first place. I left 44 as necessary. The word count is now 246,566. Leaner and meaner, right? Hee hee.

Playing adverb avenger is fun. But I want to write. I’m glad to be back at work, but I wish I worked part-time. Oh well, even if I did, I’d probably keep playing around with the ms until I manage to send it off.

BJ has found a crate for me to send it in. She’s a true friend.

Bedtime for this working stiff. Hey, anybody know where I found Tamahome from Fushigi Yuugi wallpaper? I have it at work, forgot how much I loved it over the summer. But I can’t seem to get the file shipped from work to home. I’ve decided to sacrifice Airwolf if I can get it done.

It’s just his head and upper torso, it’s a capture where he’s opening a door, or just grabbing the frame, and it’s awesome! But I found it months ago, and can’t remember where. Help me!

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