Flock Reality

It’s not life I hate, it’s reality.  Can’t it all just go away?

Work sucks.  Bigtime.  And it just gets worse.

Coming home is getting worse.  Today it’s a notice in my mailbox about animal waste on the property.  Considering I have one small dog who goes outside, and neighbor in the trailer has–last time I looked–three large dogs who live in a small yard, I don’t think they mean me.  But I’ll have to straighten it out, or it’s me they’ll come after.  Whee, trying to convince a bureaucrat to admit they made a mistake, should be a blast…

And on my door was a notice that my landlord has apparently handed management of the property over to a realty company.  Hmm, I smell rent increases…not to mention trying to work the care my apartment needs into the 9-5 schedule in the letter.  “Gee, can you pay an extra hundred a month because we want to charge you that, and then take off work to be home every time we need to do something on your place that’s been neglected for five years?”

And blah blah blah, and blah blah blah, and who the hell created this world we live in anyway?  This sucks.  Not the natural world, the crap we’ve imposed over it.  Are there people who really want to live in it?

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