You know what I mean. Those things you do, that you just know people would laugh at you for. The stuff you like, that you’re supposedly too sophisticated or too smart or too whatever for.
One of my co-workers was asked (at a previous job) if she wasn’t “too old” to be a Buffy fan.
My guilty pleasures are way more embarrassing than an admiration for something Joss Whedon-related.
Like this. This is one.
Not all of High School Musical, no. Just…that song. They’re so cute! I want to pet them. I won’t watch the whole movie because I think I’d want to smack them if I did. So I just…listen to the song. And sometimes I watch the video. So cute!
Here’s another. I remember critics panned the movie. I know some people loved it. I haven’t seen it. But I love this song.
And this. Oh em gee, this. Did you know Jackie Chan sings? Warning for the sensitive: this video could singlehandedly destroy your pancreas’ ability to create insulin.
I’m such a sucker for a big-hearted tough guy. ^__^
I know it’s a commercial. I love this anyway. And yes, I watch it, pretty much every time I wander through my YouTube favorites.
Now, just in case you’re about ready to give me up as a lost cause, I give you…Leonard Cohen. Ha! Just when you were about ready to give me up for a Philistine, I break out the truly awesome!
If you don’t know him–I totally get the credit for introducing you. If you don’t like him…get off my blog, you Philistine. (Kidding! I’m kidding! Put down the fruit!)
Keep your eyes peeled for appearances by both Kirk and Spock. 😉
So. I showed you mine. Show me yours?
Since I have seen all 3 High School Musicals (first one’s the best) and Anastasia is one of my very favorite movies, I come bearing additional songs you might like.
High School Musical:
Plus, you know, Zefron! (And if you unfamiliar with the Zefron phenomena, you need to watch A Very Potter Musical right away – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwM_AKeMCk )
Such a happy song for evil.
::runs off::
(If the videos didn’t embed in the comment, let me know.)