For years I’ve been investigating how to get published, and how to market once it happened. It occurred to me recently that while I’ve been figuring it out, I never passed that information on. I have friends who can help me spread the word, but they don’t know how.
This post is to address that. If you’re not interested in helping, that’s okay. I’ll still be your friend. But if you’d like to help, please read on. ^__^
From this point, I’m going to assume that you think I’m a good writer, and/or that Knight Errant is a good book. I wouldn’t ask you to help me promote if you don’t think so.
If I tweet a review, or a link to my book, please retweet it. I promise not to tweet them terribly often. And if I’m on a roll, you could do just one. Your friends aren’t likely to mind that any more than you mind my tweets, and they might check it out. And they might retweet it themselves.
You probably know about #FollowFriday (#FF). You may not know that Wednesdays are #writerwednesday (or #ww). I’d love a mention.
Comment if you have the slightest urge. Link the post if you like. Tell people about interesting things you maybe read here. Tell them about this post, to help them help their own friends. Hit one of the buttons to Tweet, Stumble, Digg, Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate this post or any other. Print out something and make a paper airplane. Get creative!
The Book
Are you on Goodreads and/or LibraryThing? So is Knight Errant. Please add it to your library. Reviews are lovely too. Mention it when appropriate in chats and groups. Recommend it to your friends. Please.
I’m going to do a giveaway the week of my birthday. I’m going to put the ebook on sale, too. I hope you’ll help me tell people.
Other Ideas?
I’m trying hard to get the word out. I love and believe in this book, and I think if you’ve read this far you probably do too. Do you have any other ideas for how I could get the word out?
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