The last few days I’ve been learning things on the blog of the awesome Marian Schembari. (If you like the Twitter and Facebook buttons, or the threaded comments, or the pic in my About page, be sure to thank her.)
One of her suggestions is to have a look at what I’m tweeting about, and she linked the pretty cool Tweetcloud to make it easy.
Here’s mine.
I like it! Those are some awesome words to be tweeting, I think, and you can see that Knight Errant did make it into the top 20. So not too bad. But sacred bovine! Look at all those tweets!
I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I think a lot of it is talking to my friends, which is very important to me. I don’t care for Facebook or telephones, and tweeting is easy to do and walk away so I can do other things–like write.
Still, I’m rather astounded by the sheer number of tweets. ^_^;
One of my friends joined Twitter today, and one of her first tweets was a RT of someone else, saying that if you’re on Twitter, you can no longer use the excuse that you don’t have time to do things. Implying, of course, that Twitter is the ultimate time-waster.
I don’t think so. I can reach out to people while I do other things, with Twitter. Last night I helped someone with a WordPress install while I wrote a blog post. I (attempted) to join a conversation on female SF writers. I suggested a good book to an acquaintance. These are worthwhile things to do, if it doesn’t hamper what I need to get done.
Speaking of what I need to get done…guess I better go get on it. Can’t do much else while blogging, after all!