So it’s New Year’s Eve. Everyone is full of light and hope and best wishes for a new year. They’re also full of resolutions, even though we all know most resolutions don’t last. But hey. Gotta try, right?
Sure. But I do goals, not resolutions, and I’ll talk about them…oh, maybe tomorrow. Maybe next week.
2010 was a pretty good year for me. I did a couple things I’ve wanted to for a long time–I got healthier (about forty pounds healthier, GO ME!) and I got published.
Yes, I published myself. I took the reins, and I got it done. People are reading my book, and it makes me extremely happy.
That’s about the extent of my looking back when I’m not drunk. (Which may or may not happen later. Stay tuned for possible drunken ramblings!)
Now I want to look forward, in a less shiny-happy manner than I’m seeing around me, but no less valid, I think.
In 2011, what will you kick to the curb?
What needs to go? Two hundred pounds of couch-surfing leech? Calling yourself names? Housework avoidance that drops you in the lurch and leaves you there? Stashing cookies under the bed? Cat-collecting? (My cat protests, but I’m leaving it in.)
What is still in your life though it no longer makes you happy? I’ll be joining Flylady in the Super Fling Boogie soon, and I expect to part with some stuff I realized the other day has been sitting in my closet in bags since I moved in. Some of it is important, but how much can I care if I haven’t seen it in two years?
This is about more than stuff, though. Think about this. What are you holding onto, when you really deserve better? (Is that what you’re holding onto–the idea that you don’t deserve better? You do. If it’s making you miserable, you so deserve better.)
I’ll go first.
I’m going to kick the carp out of the “ow my feelings run for cookies!” habit. Then I’m kicking it to the curb. I’ll replace it with a swift bike ride or something. A hundred-word drabble of my Marine kicking the crap out of some slime. (I love my Marine. Eve Marcori, therapist. Buahahaha…) A long snuggle with my cat. Or a tickle-fest with the kid. Something other than those cookies/cake/whatever that will kill me if I don’t learn to do better.
Another thing to go? Procrastination. I’m going to set routines, so the stuff I have to do but don’t care about gets done while I think of other things. I’m going to find a method that works for me, that my creative guys don’t reject, and I’m going to Get Awesome Stuff Done. Because I only get so many years, and though I probably can’t outstrip the production of Isaac Asimov and Andre Norton, that doesn’t damned well mean I can’t try. (Which means, expect those 2011 goals tomorrow. Even if you don’t care to read them, drop by and poke me if they’re not posted, won’t you?)
Fear. I’m tired of being scared. I’m trying to learn to do stuff anyway, and it’s working some, but dammit–I’m tired of being scared. Eff you, fear. You’re not helping. Go screw yourself. Just don’t, for the love of God, reproduce afterwards. There’s more than enough of you already.
Your turn!
What will you kick to the curb in 2011?
I’m also trying to kick procrastination to the curb. I have two books with great concepts that just need to be edited… if I ever get around to it. Well, 2011 is that year! Good luck to you!
Thank you! And to you. ^__^
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This year, I’m learning discipline. The writing habit died horribly this year, as well as the reading habit. So I’m kicking lack of discipline to the curb.
I’m not getting rid of procrastination. I’m going to procrastinate a lot. I’ll procrastinate on writing by drawing. I’ll procrastinate on drawing by writing. I’ll procrastinate on cleaning my room by doing some homework. I’ll procrastinate on homework by cleaning my room.
Procrastination can be very, very useful! 😀
Lack of discipline! Good plan! *puts out a can for you to kick it into*
I never did learn to procrastinate productively. I tend to turtle, or surf. Not good!