Eve Marcori is a freighter captain and former Marine offering aid because her author invoked Authorial Privilege out of a sincere (but deeply hidden) desire to help. Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal actions instigated in response to Eve’s advice. In general an ellipsis […] indicates Eve had to be prodded by her author she was thinking. If you’d like to know her better, she plays a prominent role in Knight Errant, currently out from Turtleduck Press.
Eve, what would it take to scare the shit out of you?
Thought this was about advice.
Fine. Mikey’s socks. Frakkin’ terrifying, especially if we spent the last twenty hours tracking some heavily-armed slime through an effin’ jungle. You can bet I’m decks away when he takes his boots off.
Hells. Mikey alone, when he eats. Sometimes it’s damned scary watching him put it away. Fall on the table and you know you’d be gone too.
The doc. He gets some damned bright idea and starts with the “I’m being completely reasonable” voice and I know it’s gonna get effin’ deep.
…know what really pisses me off? We’re in the middle of a tangle. They’re shooting from everywhere, and I effin’ got the doc behind me. Gotta protect him, so I can’t do shit but sit still and shoot. Then somebody gets hit and that dumbass is gone. Like grabbing smoke–he’s gone, and Mikey don’t tackle him and the effin’ doc is running right through weapons-fire to get to some fool shouldn’t’ve got shot and is probably on the other side besides.
I fuckin’ hate that.
And I thought I was the only one with that problem. Only in my case it isn’t the doc doing the dash-and-save, it’s that fragging planetary prince Aeryk doing it. And he’s a fragging KINETIC. He should be able to just THINK and snatch the idiot out of the line of fire. Nope. Always has to prove he’s the fragging hero.
The previous comment was posted on behalf of mercenary fighter pilot and brawler Jeena Ryans, the poor sap – I mean, the love interest – of Aeryk in my sci fi novel SINS OF THE SON (currently in pseudo-production…hey, I’ve got the character sketches done but I’m TRYING to be good and finish my OTHER two projects first!)
Eve: Heh. Been thinking ’bout a leash, but the damn doc’d probably slip it just when I got to trusting it. I hear there’s this invention called duct tape…
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Jeena: Duct tape huh? His Highness would probably just break it and run. I swear that idiot is going to get me killed one of these days.
Anni (as in the actual AUTHOR): These two have knock down drag out brawls because of Aeryk’s naive view of the cosmos. It’s actually a lot of fun. 😀
It sounds fun!