Eve Marcori is a freighter captain and former Marine offering aid because her author invoked Authorial Privilege out of a sincere (but deeply hidden) desire to help. Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal actions instigated in response to Eve’s advice. In general an ellipsis […] indicates Eve had to be prodded by her author she was thinking. If you’d like to know her better, she plays a prominent role in Knight Errant, currently available through Turtleduck Press.
What do you do if your little ones have nightmares and Ben’s not around to comfort them for whatever reason?
…what is it with these effin’ questions? Doesn’t anybody want to know how to fix a frakkin’ shield generator making shadow-ships show up on your sensors?
‘kay. Here’s the thing. There’s something dangerous, you take care of it. I like head on. So if they’re scared of that damn monster under the bed, we’ll go in after it. Telling them it’s not there don’t work–and besides, knowing how shit goes, one day there will be something under there. So I get my weapon and we go.
Other stuff–yeah, what’s scaring ’em isn’t always reachable. Then…well, eight years a Marine. I guarded lots of stuff worth less than a bedful o’ kids. Show off with a rifle drill to distract them, then stand sentry all night. At least it won’t be raining. Probably.
I really love this answer, and I’ve been mulling over how to say that without referring to snuggling or smishing Eve (because I’d rather not have to deal with the aftermath of her reaction). And I think I’ve finally figured out how to say it so she (hopefully) won’t kill me.
Eve, I really admire how you don’t belittle your kids’ fears. That you just acknowledge them and set to combating the fear without telling the kid(s) that they shouldn’t be afraid or that they’re too old to be babied or any of that nonsense.