Eve Marcori is a freighter captain and former Marine offering aid because her author invoked Authorial Privilege out of a sincere (but deeply hidden) desire to help. Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal actions instigated in response to Eve’s advice. In general an ellipsis […] indicates Eve had to be prodded by her author she was thinking. If you’d like to know her better, Eve Marcori plays a prominent role in Knight Errant, currently available through Turtleduck Press.
What are you giving Taro & Rafe for a wedding present (whenever that happy day arrives)?
Question submitted by BeaconsBright, who is now in hiding. Thanks, Bea! We honor your bravery.
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Love the gift idea. They’re going to need it. Actually, no…they don’t need it. The REST of us need it if we want to get their attention for anything. 😉