Eve Marcori is a freighter captain and former Marine offering advice because of Authorial Privilege out of a sincere desire to help. Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal charges you may incur by acting on Eve’s advice.
In general an ellipsis […] indicates Eve had to be prodded by her author was thinking. If you’d like to know her better, Eve Marcori plays a prominent role in Knight Errant, currently available through Turtleduck Press.
Onyx would like to know, how do you catch a dragon which is on fire?
Tractor beam.
Why do you have blue hair?
Blond’s recessive.
Hypothetically speaking. If a guy cheats on me, which bone do I break? If a girl cheats on me, should I beat her up as well?
Which? Any. Good stomp is fun, and the little bones in the foot’ll cause him trouble for months. Or…break his nose and everybody’ll see it. Lots of choices. More a style thing, really.
Girl, guy, don’t matter, long as they’re combatants. Not like the doc, or the boy’s bit of fluff–they can’t fight back, you can’t touch.
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