I hand-sold two copies of my book today. I haven’t received any money from my online sales yet, so it’s the first money I’ve had in hand from the books I’ve worked so long and hard writing.
Probably I should have saved the money–I’m darn near broke and I need to get my car through emissions, and also I need to pay another important bill.
But I took the kid to Taco Bell instead. I told her Taro was buying us dinner. She thought that was awesome.
So did I.
Yay yay yay! for a Taro-bought dinner! I hope you get your online money soon, since that’s how I bought my copies.
I am so incredibly pleased for you. *hugs*
That is very awesome 😀
That’s fun!
I also bought my copy online, and may have to buy another, as I lent mine out and don’t expect it back anytime soon. (she borrows my books and returns them 2-5 years later)
*would send Taro monies, if I had any to send* D:
Thank you, all of you! It’s a long-cherished dream starting to come true, and I’m very, VERY happy.