And I’m sharing the love!
So here’s the deal. Want a digital copy of Knight Errant? It’s 99 cents on Amazon. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, the software is free to download. I have it on my netbook and like it a lot.
Want a physical copy? Well, you could buy it for $7.99†from Amazon (be sure the price has gone down before you click–at this writing it hasn’t), or…
Or you could leave a comment here to win one of the two signed copies I’ll be giving away.
That’s right, here on this blog post you’re reading now. How hard is that? You can say “first!” even if you’re not. You can say “comment!” You can recite poetry or tell me about your ingrown toenail. As long as you comment on this post and leave me an email address (I don’t think you can comment without doing so, but I want to be clear here), you’ll be entered.
Some Rules
- Drawing will be held February 28th, by the method of my asking a mIRC gameserve to roll a properly-shaped die twice.
- I can ship to Canada, Australia–places not too terribly expensive from the U.S. If you live in Tajikistan, I’m not sure.
- No, you can’t win both books, even if the gameserve says you did. In the event of a duplicate roll, I’ll get another number.
Also, I still have some bookmarks left, so if tell me if you’d like to get one in the event that you don’t win a book. I have a fine-point Sharpie to sign them with and everything!
Did I cover everything? I sure hope so! Now–make my birthday awesome! Win my book!
†Edited to correct. Amazon said I could price it lower, but when I went to see why it hadn’t gone down, the auto-text-flashy-thingy said I couldn’t.
‡Edited again because that sneaky Kas found a loophole! You can enter up to three times. And to sweeten the odds just a bit more–I’ll give away three books instead of two.
Yaaaaay, it’s KD’s birthday! Happy birthday! Have some cake.
mmm, cake! I love it! Have you ever tried birthday cake ice cream? Some of it’s awesome. Some is a diabetic coma in a bowl.
(it strikes me that if I’m going to reply to comments, I will make my winners-choosing more difficult. So be it.)
Ooh, me me me! =D
*snicker* Thank you!
*pours you a cup of hot cocoa, piles it high with whipped cream, and has a bishi serve it to you on a silver platter*
Happy birthday, hun.
Thank you!
Bishies, whipped cream, cake? Y’all sure know how to treat a girl. ^___^
And now, a haiku from Isi:
It’s KD’s birthday!
Time for celebration time!
…that was redundant.
That was AWESOME! XD
Happy birthday! have a candle!
HAPPY KINDA BELATED BIRTHDAY! (Meant to wish you one yesterday, but bunnies happened. 😛 )
Birthday bunnies. Not as scary as plotbunnies, but just as sneaky.
Thanks, Amy! Thanks, Bug!
For the record, no one is late yet–my birthday is today. I just posted last night because today would be way too busy, and I should have explained that. 😉
Happy Happy Birthday!
From all of us to you!
We wish it was our birthday
So we could party too!
(did not make that up. it was a song mom had to sing at a restaurant she worked at years ago)
LOVE YA KD!!!!!!
Happy birthday, you!
Love you too, Heather! Thanks, Kat!
Happy birthday, KD! *glomps*
[insert celebratory Adam Lambert pic here]
Thank you, WD! *admires Happy!Adam pic*
Kay, I won’t bap you if you promise you WILL finish PHJ soon, and you promise to loan your copy to anyone you think you might infect with the love of Taro and Rafe and Co. ^__^
Funny you should mention ingrown toenails….
….Kidding, kidding, really. Wouldn’t want to turn you off that lovely cake there. *steals a bit of frosting*
Also, I think I might break down and buy my own copy, even if I still haven’t finished PHJ. You can bap me for it later, but if it’s on sale…. >.>
Happy birthday! I would love a signed copy of a wonderful book. ^___^
😀 😀 😀
I have been eating cake all week in your honor – tonight I even threw in some icecream : )
I’m touched! 🙂
Happy Birthday to you! Remember the walks in the middle of the night? I remember one night we walked up to Willyoung Rd…then through the forest to a lookout point…I do hafta admit I was completely scared shitless of the woods lol…but we sat there for hours waiting for the sun to come up. I remember you talking about becoming a writer. You’ve done it girl! I’m so proud of you. You are a true inspiration. Love u bunches! I hope you had a very blessed birthday 🙂
Thank you, sweetheart! I miss you guys so much!
I wannnnnnnnt. I is too broke to get one, and I refuse to use Kindle because I blame that for the reason why the borders near my school shut down… (bah, bankrupcy).
Signnnnned copppppppy.
I mean…
Happy (late) birthday!
Hey there an a belated Happy Birthday! (I’d feel worse about being late if I hadn’t tweeted at you on the day.) Also, no need to enter me in the contest, since I ALREADY HAVE A SIGNED COPY! WOO!
*glomps you into next weekend, which had better be the start of a better week, if it knows what’s good for it*
okay, Kas, you’re entered! ^__^
*glomps you and Bea* Thank you!
Hey there! Bea sent me your way, saying I needed to check out your tome. So, while I’ll be doing that, I just wanted to wish you a fantastic birthday.
Thank you! And welcome!
Fwee! KD is awesome!
Thank you! You’re pretty awesome yourself, Miss ABNA On to the Second Round!
You know, you said nothing about posting multiple times to get more opportunities to get one of the books. 😈
Goodness! You’re right. I didn’t. XD
*Rule Whatever: You can only enter…three times.
Ooh, three whole times?
*dances randomly*
happy (late) birthday!
Thank you! Not very late–I’m actually celebrating this weekend, as Monday was awful. ^__^
There once was a woman called KD
Who wielded an axe that was shiny
She lifted men’s kilts
On vending machine trips
Then gathered up all these nice bishies
*dies laughing*
What? 3 times? Utter madness! Or should I say udder and then moo?
My cat demands that I post again. (Okay, actually she demands pettings. You know how cats are.) *glomp*
I do indeed know! Have you seen that show on Animal Planet, Must Love Cats? The kid stumbled on it last night and much cooing and squeeing at the cute ensued.
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