So it’s been…how long?
Less than a month, I think. And the verdict is?
I’m still not as fast as I’d like. And I make a lot of errors when I’m not paying enough attention. Sometimes my fingers just go back to QWERTY without me, too. But I am getting better. And it has been less than a month since I started re-training from something I’ve been doing without thinking for twenty years.
I like it. A lot. I haven’t had wrist pain once since I switched. That alone is worth it.
So. If you’re curious, go here for more information. Including how to switch your key mapping. Here are some pretty good step-by-step lessons. He makes up better sentences than my high school typing teacher did. And here is a great site for speed practice. Note that the default at the top is set to mapping QWERTY to Dvorak, so if you already switched your own mapping, just grab the pulldown and adjust as needed. It’s also nice that you can set it to only the letters you’ve already learned.
Hang in there, it’s worth it!