For today, my school went all out. Teachers, staff, the community–we came together to offer our students a day of learning and fun.
We had a WWII vet (a fascinating story-teller!) sharing his experiences. We had traditional Korean drummers. We had a Buddhist monk in yellow, from Thailand. We had Afghan people to talk about Afghanistan, and Nepali to talk about Nepal. We had people teaching origami and leading the kids in karaoke, and many, many more activities based on our global studies for this semester, Asia.
And I had parent after parent calling to ask if it was true that there were “no classes today.”
At first I was mystified. “Yes, we have school today.”
“No, I mean–it’s just a field day, right?”
“No…there are some outside activities (Did you know badminton apparently comes from China?) but we have a lot going on inside too, and besides, it’s a lovely day.”
“But there are no classes?”
“…students will spend the day with their 1st period teacher as they move through the activities.”
“But they won’t be learning anything?”
“I mean, it won’t affect her grade if she doesn’t come to school?”
“Are you kidding me? I mean…no, I don’t imagine there will be a test on anything presented today, but it’s an amazing opportunity. We have so many incredible things going on–”
“Okay, well, she doesn’t feel like coming today, so I’m excusing her. She’ll be in tomorrow.”
“…thank you?”
I work at a great school. From our inspired principal on down to the night custodian who shines our old water fountains to a blinding brilliance, we care about students and giving them the best education we can, even as our budget is cut and cut again to make up for the foolishness of legislators.
Even from that dedicated bunch, today was an achievement. We had so much wonderful stuff going on there today. You couldn’t throw a paper airplane without hitting a distinguished and interesting guest. The kids in attendance were having a fantastic time while their entire world was opened wide. This is what education is to me. It’s not about facts, it’s about people, and opening our minds to what can be.
I love learning. I was so jealous of the kids today, who got to be out there talking to these people, doing these things. I think I owe that to a few inspiring teachers in my life–teachers who managed to open my eyes (somewhat) though they never had the chance to do for me what my school accomplished today. I think of the love of learning we could have inspired in some absent kid today, and I want to cry.
Any damned fool can teach to the test, people. We want to give your kids an education. Can we get just a little help?
All hail to you and your colleagues! When I was homeschooled, most of my “lessons” were like this (informal, self-directed), so I totally get what you’re saying. I would have loved to meet your guests. Bet your efforts sparked something in more than one kid…
I hope so! We are working hard at being a global studies school; I hope stuff like this helps the kids see why. Even if the parents aren’t on board yet.
That sounds amazing. I hope to be half the teacher of those you work with.
We’re really lucky. We’ve been through some hard times together, and every year we lose familiar faces and gain new ones, but the culture is there–we care! As you do. You’ll find ways to be amazing.