First, let me just thank each and every one of you for entering. I couldn’t possibly choose, so I made a heartless ‘bot do it and it wept as it did. You are all just THAT AWESOME.
Second, let me remind you all that Rafe is not far away. Yes, that’s right: His Faithful Squire will be available August 1st. That’s just five…months…five…please excuse me while I run around panicking a bit.
Okay. So I scrolled through the comments on the give-away post and jotted down every name that wasn’t mine then numbered the names. Then through the magic of a mIRC chatroom, I rolled 1d24 three times.
The first number was 16, which belongs to Deen1971. A new face and a welcome one, that we hope to see more of!
The second number was 1, which is SushiMustWrite, a fellow NaNoWriMo participant and person of extreme coolness.
The last number was 7, and that falls to the lovely and talented Heather, a well-known and beloved personage.
So! Congrats to our winners! I’m so sorry I couldn’t send you all books, but thanks for coming by and I hope to see you again!
Yay! Congrats to the winners!
*pets the poor little bot* There, there, it’s okay, we still love you. Not like that evil eightball…. *shifty*
I sent you an email. Congratulations!