Last year I tried NaNoEdMo. I’d heard of it, but my personal write-edit-write timeline never quite synced with NaNoEdMo’s. Also, I have enough forums to waste time on (my thinking ran.) Editing cannot be both rushed and good (I argued.) I’m pretty good with the self-discipline (in areas of writing only.) I didn’t need that.
Then there was a challenge. Yes, dear reader, some dared to think that I avoided EdMo because I could not hack it. I could not edit fifty hours in a month. They thought I would wimp out and be left somewhere around thirty hours whimpering.
It was a double-dog dare, in other words. (Or perhaps I’m thinking of something else. See how I cook up excuses after the fact? It’s a flaw.) So, with my cronies (also my challengers!), I jumped in. We had our unofficial EdMo because one thing is certain–NONE of us needed another forum to procrastinate on.
If you were here last year, you heard a lot of whining. If you weren’t and you want to hear it (I tried to keep it fun), go here.
This year there was another challenge. That sneaky awesome Siri of Turtleduck fame challenged me and the Scary KA Levingston and we are going to Edit To The Death in a Locked Cage Match. Fifty hours of no-holds-barred editing wildness, coming at you this month!
I have three whole hours so far. And since I already was editing, I am not in the first stage, otherwise known as AUGH KILL IT WITH FIRE.
Yet. Stay tuned.
I would like to know when the hades I became Scary. Was it before or after I threw gauntlets at people and advocated manuscript arson?
I’m at four hours. FEAR ME. 😉
When I got locked in a cage with you!