I’ve seen a lot of writers complain about sex scenes, but those don’t bother me. Sex is (relatively) easy. Once it’s decided where I’m going, there are only so many ways to get there, after all.
An argument, though…oh man.
I’ve been working on this for days. Now, granted, they’ve been awful days, marred by over-work at the day job and exhaustion and brain-deadery, but I have been trying. For days.
It has to start in one specific place, and land in another. It has to make sense, be consistent, have ebbs and flows but build ever higher, and it has to be…back-down-able? They can’t say things that can never be forgiven. No one walks away, no backing away from the conflict, and they must still be in love when it’s over.
At least there’s no limit on how much I can head-desk while working on it.
Here’s what is (finally) working for me–I’m writing it twice or more. Every time I’m not sure where to go, I write the most likely avenues in three different places, following the threads until one seems better than the rest. Then I take that one and go as fast as I can until I get stuck again.
Yeah, it’s hard. But I think it’s coming out well, and that I’ll be proud of it. That’s what matters.
Oh, and just for the record? If you’ve read Knight Errant you probably guessed this, but let me say it anyway…Taro and Rafe yelling at each other means the f-bombs flock like swallows headed to Capistrano.
Poor boys, fighting like that. And poor you, having to write it!
I can’t wait to read it though. >_>
Me either. >_>
Do not tell my boyfriend this. If you tell my boyfriend this, I will have to hurt you.
When J and I get in a squabble, I…might…try some tactics that I think my characters would use to see how he would react to them. *shifty eyes* What? It’s the same as acting out your dialogue!!! Also, we have a hug rule, so very often neither of us will want to back down and we’ll be yelling at each other and then I’ll start to cry and say “You don’t have to agree with me but I know you love me and I’m hurting so you DO have to give me a hug!” And then we hug and somehow, miraculously, it’s better.
Oh lork I am an awful person. Who uses arguments with their boyfriend to block out character actions? *headdesk*
*totally would if she had a boyfriend*
I use my kid to block out sword-fighting scenes. I give her the blue flashy-lights sword and I use the wooden katana.