Day Seven (PDF here):
Spend 15 minutes outlining the major historical events of the last 100 years before your novel begins. Include in your timeline:
Dates when power shifted in your civilization(s) (through coup, death of a monarch, revolution, election, etc.), and whether the power shift was smooth (as it might be when a monarch dies and their offspring takes their place)
Dates when a natural event reduced or increased the amount of natural resources (food, usually, but also water, timber, and other resources).
Dates when an unnatural event (such as a magical or technological event) changed the resources as well.
This person’s mind works far differently than mine does. I’m sure it’s good for me. Sigh.
All right, all right…well, before I put dates on anything I have to figure out the calendar, I guess. This is going to be not-easy.
See, I’ve poked at Flame’s world many times, and had a grand time with it, but I haven’t put in much serious work. Even in the manuscript–last night I found Flame’s birthplace named “Lyalira” and used it, but later I found it written “Lyalirhee” and a couple other ways. When I started the manuscript I think I had her at about twenty-five, then I decided as a member of a longer-lived race, she needed to be older. I changed it to somewhere around fifty, but I didn’t go back and change the manuscript–that’s what editing is for.
*ties rope around waist and dives into manuscript*
The continent/island with the huge mountains is Elgebellan. Or there’s a country there named that, or maybe Elgebel. (And this is not thought-out, and may change.) By the Elgebellan calendar it’s been 3,473 years since the Devastation. So I could use S.D. or A.D.
Oh, hey…I put stuff on that wiki. I should probably get it back before it gets deleted or something…
Right. World-building post. Yeah.
One problem is that I’m not sure of any major civilizations. The Devastation pretty much knocked everyone on their asses–it’s taken three thousand years to crawl back out of the dark age, and the world isn’t a bunch of bordering nations anymore. It’s bits of civilization scattered across the face of the planet. So…skip the first question, if it’s not answered by the date of the Devastation.
Carp. It doesn’t get more directed towards my world, does it? Off the track we go!
Okay. Flame is…82 if I stick with the notes I found on the wiki. Born in 3391. I have Ryahled pegged at 110 (3363), but I’m thinking I wanted him older that that. Well, no, that could work. That would make him 28 when Flame was born. (right?) That’s enough older than her to be such a pain.
Now…she left Lyalirhee (that spelling fits my language better) as soon as she could. I’m thinking 22 (3413), as even the Vral would see her as old enough to take care of herself until she learned her lesson and came running home. So they let her go, and she didn’t come back, and when Ryahled finds her it’s been 60 years.
I really mustn’t start feeling sorry for Ryahled. There’s so much torturing still to do to him. >_>
The important event she was most determined to miss was scheduled for 3471. She was a continent away.
I do need to start thinking about what might be happening to change the world. Forces are building, and Flame will be caught up in things. I should figure out what those things are.
But not tonight.