Rafe and Taro take an ill-considered vacation. Here their fellow guests just arrived.
Eight people came in that boat, including the boatman. I’d slept with all of them.
Including the boatman.
It was like…the world took a step back. I stood barefoot on worn-soft wood, surrounded by sunshine and water and pretty people, but it was all receding and around me dark swirled like the time I got knocked silly in one of Taro’s crashes. Adam didn’t look at me, the boatman didn’t look at me, but the rest looked me over like a dessert cart and I felt naked like I didn’t even when I was naked.
… How did I miss this in May? I didn’t comment? What’s up with that?
As you know, I LOVE these two. Poor Rafe. *snuggles* *platonically* *looks nervously over shoulder for Taro anyway*
I like the addition at the end.