So yesterday I was already in not-so-stable shape (shut up) because of Wendy Pini-induced sparklebrain that kept me from sleeping properly.
Then I saw this: Reviews by Jessewave (NSFW due to pretty boy-pictures! No pr0n, though.)
We’re just not gonna mention how wildly happy (and giddy, and dumb) yesterday was, ‘kay? That blog post was pretty much the sum of yesterday’s coherency. Which is why you get this one today.
Am I dancing still? You know it! I’ve been thrilled to receive some pretty good reviews for Knight Errant. This one, though–it’s getting seen. That particular post has been seen nearly four hundred times! (And only thirty of those are mine. But who’s counting?)
The post is by the lovely and marvelous Leslie (hey, I can call her any wonderful thing I want now the review is up!) who read KE twice in three days.
This is me, dancing some more. 😀
Even if she’d completely panned KE, I wouldn’t argue with a review, but I figure it wouldn’t hurt to say just a couple somethings.
A couple of quibbles and then the caveats/spoilers. Turtleduck Press is a collective of independent authors so this book was just a step away from being self-published. No problem with that, for me, but a little more care could have been taken with some of the editing. There were a few typos and missing apostrophes. More annoying was that a lot of the slang sounded very British at the beginning but then slipped into pure American about halfway through. “Idjit” turned into “idiot” for example. Consistency on this point would have been nice.
First, I apologize for the errors. I did my utter best, but some goofs slipped by me. I’m sorry for that. (Funny story about the apostrophes–I actually did something to my manuscript that caused all the apostrophes, and all the quote marks, to vanish! Every. Last. One. So that’s my flimsy excuse. I have no idea on the typos, though.)
On the slang: I was paying attention when I went into the final edit because I wanted to vary it (I do not want all my future-people to sound like Americans of My Age), but I must have let it slip as I got deeper in the muck. Again, my apologies. I will do better.
Finally, an invitation: since Knight Errant is self-published, I can upload a fixed version any time I want. So if y’all see errors in my book, won’t you please point them out to me?
And do please continue to tell everyone you can about Knight Errant! Pretty please? *bats eyelashes*
Thank you, Leslie!
And only 2 of the view are mine! >_> And I didn’t realize you could make changes! I know there’s a missing apostrophe towards the end of the book. I’ll have to track it down for you. Can’t think of any other errors I’ve spotted.
Awesome, thank you!