I wrote to my Senators (both Republicans protecting the rich) ’cause I’m tired of the pouty bullshit. You can find info (probably a webform, quick and easy) to write to your own here.
Use my letter if you like.
I’m sorry you rich people are being asked to pay taxes. Really I am. But the fact is taxes on the rich are at their lowest levels in ages, and every economist not being paid by Republicans says that cutting gov’t spending is NOT the way to revive the economy.
You may be surprised to learn that your constituents (many of them, anyway) are not actually stupid. And we understand that you all are refusing to do your jobs because you don’t want to inconvenience your rich buddies who have been lining your pockets for years.
If you have any honor at all, try representing the people that elected you.
I’m not usually that ranty. Really I’m not. But I’ve seriously HAD IT. Food prices are rising. Gas prices are through the roof. I’ve cut back and cut back, but my expenses keep rising and my income doesn’t. Have any of these people ever had to deal with that?
We need some real humans in Congress. I vote we work on that. But in the meantime–won’t you reach out and (verbally) smack your Congress-critter?
So tired of the rich protecting the richer just to get more. Thank you for your post! I feel healed. Thought I was crazy!
I wish it was your imagination, but no. This is really going on. 🙁
Not to mention that when all that “government shut-down” crap was going on, guess who would still be paid through it all? You got it! The people who didn’t need the money would get it. Those who were in jobs that weren’t considered “necessary” would be the losers, even though they most likely needed the cash a lot more than the decision makers. Someday, I’m going to own my own island. Then I get to be the rich butthead in charge of making stupid monetary decisions. It’ll be fun!
That’s why they’re willing to hold the entire country hostage–they don’t lose anything. Doesn’t hurt them at all.